Thursday, October 11, 2012

OMG! Running Into Ex's Friends

(Read while listening to Mama Said by Dianne Broomfield)

How many of you have run into your ex’s friends? It’s never easy but manageable. I recently ran into my ex’s friends at my hobby (uh-hum job!) and it was not bad at all.

I sat this couple waiting for this other couple. They were telling me that the people joining them had a toddler and a belly with them; I made sure to set up the table for such crowd. All of the sudden the crew got there and to my surprise I knew them! My initial reaction was panic, you never know how running into your ex’s friends is going to go down. Bring on the kisses and hugs and the catching up. I always try to avoid the uncomfortable questions but there’s no point in doing that, besides, I always have an answer for them. The inevitable happened, “How are you doing after the breakup?”

“I’m doing great, thanks! Working a lot” That’s my go to answer. It lets me summarize my life and not welcome any follow up questions; after many years of dealing with ex’s I finally mastered the quick and painless interactions. I was honestly really glad to see them and see her huge belly, so cute! My ex always believed I hated all of his friends, sometimes they were not my favorite people but nothing out of the ordinary; apparently being a hater suited me better. Back to the story, I let them greet their friends and get settle before taking their order (yep, I was also their server!). I’m thankful to not have a care in the world with the situations I encounter.

The restaurant was really busy that day so I didn’t have time to chit chat. I walked by the table just to make sure they were doing great, I overheard the other couple asking them how they knew me and of course the whole recap followed. I didn’t need to hear that but it happens. At the end of their meal I treated them to assorted cupcakes to show my love, I hope they liked them; why wouldn’t they?  They are so yummy!!

They got up, I waved goodbye and continued with my busy day. 

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