Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Date With The Night!

(Read while listening to Big Spender by Theophilus London & Disparate Youth by Santigold)

It was on my agenda!

 I couldn’t wait to get out of work; counting every minute and every second ‘til 5pm. Menu for the night? Santigold’s concert at the House of Blues. I was out the door at 5pm to catch the 5:06 bus home, what a great way to start my weekend. The concert started at 7pm, so I had time to change and grab a bite before heading there on my bike. I was going solo this time! Picked out my outfit, grabbed my bike lights and stuffed my fanny pack with cash, credit card, id, camera, keys and my cellphone.

I’m on my bike, ipod on, singing loudly and… the rain starts! I got soaked on my way to the concert but was riding like it was a sunny day. I got to the House of Blues, got my ticket and waited in line for the security check. Passing with flying colors I made my way to the third floor to find my seat. I noticed this guy doing the same, the usher thought we were together and showed us to our seats. We laughed when she noticed our seats weren’t together and told us we could sit together if we wanted. We accepted the offer; I will call him “Prov”. So, Prov and I started talking over a couple of beers while we waited for the concert to start. Lights out, opening act on stage; Theophilus London opened the show. It was a lot of fun; I danced and jumped the entire time.

Santigold came out and delivered! I didn’t expect anything less from her; I took a lot of pictures and videos. Her backup dancers were a lot of fun to watch, their outfits really colorful and unique. After two hours of dancing and singing like I owned the place, the concert ended. Prov and I went outside to talk for a bit, we talked about our favorite moments of the concert. It was hard to keep a straight face when there was a van with porn on, totally visible to the people coming out of the concert. Prov and I shared a little bit of our background, I must admit learning he was married was not my favorite moment of the night but I loved how respectful and fun he was. He gave me the best compliment that night, I’ll try to quote him “If I wasn’t married and was a couple of years younger, I would be all over you.” Huge smile on my face! We exchanged emails and hugged goodbye. I jumped on my bike and rode happily home.

My life is just starting to take off. I will meet people along the way as little tokens that teach me there’s always light at the end of the tunnel, especially when there’s good music around. As Prov made me smile, I hope I put a smile on his face.

What an awesome night!

To all the Provs along the way, Cheers!

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