Thursday, April 18, 2013

Leslie & the City

(Read while listening to New York, New York by Frank Sinatra)

So… I’m in NY! As much as I love to travel, getting on a plane gets the best of me. I’m a nervous wreck, this time after a two-hour delay I slept the entire flight. My brother and his wife picked me up and we made our way to Staten Island.

The day was beautiful. I left all my stuff in my room and we headed to the city. Temperature in the 70’s, sun shining… we walked that city like we were getting paid! It was the perfect way to start a new life. As I was enjoying my day, I couldn’t help to have those moments were your mind wonders and makes you revisit current events. I’m sad, disappointed, frustrated, nervous…yet hopeful, relieved, in peace. Be a part of this wonderful journey. Let the unpacking begin!

"Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Adiós, tchau, à bientôt!

(Read while listening to the Power of Goodbye by Madonna)

It’s that time again….

I hate saying goodbye, and this will be the second time I have to say farewell to my family and close friends. This time around seemed harder than when I first moved to the states 3 years ago. The first time I was breaking free into the world, an opportunity to grow and learn. However, in this case it’s more to recover what I lost. 

This is my time to live…. for ME.

“Freedom comes when you learn to let go.” - Madonna

(Pics from my farewell bellow, enjoy!)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Emancipation of Leslie

(Read while listening to La Vida es un Carnaval by Celia Cruz)

It’s only the first quarter of the year and I’ve learned so many lessons to last me ‘til New Year’s. I should start with a little recap so you can understand where I’m coming from. This one is a sit down and stretch afterward recap.

The year so far in a nutshell. Left Boston and moved back home, started a relationship, moved in with him, got engaged, broke up and moving to New York next week.

That right there is a plot for the next How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days! Clearly, there was something to be learned from all of this. It was one of those situations were I thought I could have it all; a person I love, my family, good weather and a fulfilling job. Sometimes things don’t work out like you’d want them to, but two things you can always count on are good lessons and I told you so’s!!

What did I learn from all of this?

God is my strength. Pray. Have faith. I’m not alone. I’m stronger than I thought I was. Cherish blessings. Complain less. Respect yourself. Move out and move on. Ask for help. Crying helps. A hug goes a long way. Listen to advice. Always have a Plan B. Be an adult. Laugh. Remain calmed. Do not pay attention to negative people. Take responsibility. Don’t dedicate songs, which will hunt you. Be positive. Forgive and forget. Things will get better. Be careful. Be smart. Protect your heart. Trust less. Give your all. Smile, even when you don’t feel you have reason to.

The beauty of life is that there’s always a tomorrow and a new opportunity to start again. Thrive to be a better version of YOU. And hey!  At least I didn’t have to change my blog’s name!

“Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake… Shake It Off” – Mariah Carey

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

OMG I'm 28!!

(Read while listening to It’s My Party by Leslie Gore)

It’s that time of the year again. I’m turning 28!!! Yowsa!!!! It’s inevitable to sit down and recap your life. I was, surprisingly, taking turning 28 years old way harsh than I thought. I started to say things like “I’m not where I’m supposed to be when I’m 28!” but…. Who really is?

I know people that by 28 are already married, have kids, haven’t finished college, are loaded, are dead, are divorced, are studying, are doing what they love, hating their life… etc.

All I know is that I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’m at my own stage, and what is that exactly? Easy, I’m at that point in life where I’m hungry for adventure, I want to do it all yet do nothing about it, I’m hopeful that things will get better, I consider moving to every corner on this earth, I search for happiness, travel, make mistakes, trust the wrong people, cherish the ones close to me, open my heart for love and get shot down doing it. I want to be a better person, pray more, read a lot, dance, laugh, cry, I want to recycle more, bike in the snow, run a marathon. I want to love and be loved… I want to grow!! With this said, Happy Birthday to ME!

“Time is but the stream I go fishing in.” – Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Year, New Life!

(Read while listening to Done It Anyway by Nonpoint)

The year (2012) is ending and people are once again coming up with resolutions for the New Year. I decided to do things a little different. Instead of many lists that will never get a second glance, I changed my entire life. The motivation behind it was threefold; I wanted to rest and recover, wanted to be near my loved ones and needed to feel like my old self (I have no idea why).

After a mediocre pro and con list and millions of hours worth of advice, I quit my two jobs, sold my belongings, broke my lease, said my farewells to friends and I parted. Destination: Home!

The welcoming was warm, exciting and promising. I felt sure of my decision. Putting away gloves, coats and getting back on flip-flops came natural and rewarding. My resting period was well on its way when I felt desperation to work. Maybe I’m crazy but after a month of basically doing nothing made me feel useless and unproductive. I missed challenging my mind, meeting people, solving problems and dressing up for work. I felt less of myself here, suddenly the realization came clear, I had grown up.

 I no longer wanted to do the things that I found fun or important before I left Puerto Rico, I had nothing to talk about with people I’d known for years. The need that I had to come back home felt so minimal compared to my desire to move back. Fighting my urges and remembering my reasons to move back made me give it a try and hope for the best!

“The heart has its reasons, which reason knows nothing of.” – Blaise Pascal

Monday, April 1, 2013

Thank You For My AS

(Read while listening to Slow Down by Morcheeba)

If you got the reference from the title, then you are a huge Friend’s fan like me! This may be one of my serious post in this fantastic blog (tooting my own horn early in the mo’).

A couple of months ago, maybe a year, I was experiencing pain in my hips and lower back. At first I thought it was all the physical activities I was involved in at the time; I was dancing, biking, curling (google it) and walking was a huge part of my commute. As the pain was incrementing and spreading, I decided to take a break and stopped dancing, finished the curling season and treated the pain as an injury.

I visited a chiropractor and physical therapist to find out what was wrong, they had very different diagnosis, so I opted for a third and forth opinion. I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. What is that?  AS is a chronic inflammatory disease where immune mechanisms are thought to have a key role. It mainly affects the joints in the spine and pelvis, and can cause eventual fusion of the spine. There is no cure for AS, although treatments and medications can reduce symptoms and pain.

My world chattered and I was facing a lifetime of having to inject myself so I could walk and move, the things we take for granted! After accepting the diagnosis, I promptly started my treatment and began feeling like me again. I still have to take it easy and be careful with high impact activity so I’m doing yoga and walking. I know I’ll get better and will beat this and whatever comes my way!

Be thankful and care for your health. Your body is your temple!