Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Grocery List

One of the perks of "Singlehood" is definitely the trip to the supermarket. Not having to think about what the other person eats, likes, dislikes, is allergic to and so on… is fabulous. In this case I was the one with allergy issues so the last one is more of a relief for him, whatever!

I love to do grocery lists, people now a days make them on their phones but I need a piece of paper I can cross off (I love crossing off!). So, I check my dorm size fridge for what I needed. I took a bunch of stuff from my ex’s fridge (you bet I did) so it was just a matter of stocking up a little bit. I didn’t have to get much on my fist run.

Now, not having to share products is rewarding. Let me share with you what happened once.

We’ll call it the “incident”. When you live with someone you share certain products, after this I won’t anymore. The issue at hand was the shower gel. Let’s put our logic hat on shall we! If two people are using the same shower gel I believe it’ll run out faster than if you had your own right? One day I came home with groceries and more shower gel because I had used almost the last of it. I let him know that I got a new one and the drama started. I was accused of using more than what I needed (WTH?) making it an issue because that would mean getting more. Ok? It went as far as him wanting me to show him how much I use, excuse me, but I don’t even let my father talk to me like that so excuse you! I asked if he ever considered the fact that he used it as well and that it was logical that it’d run out faster because of this, and second of all, what was the big deal about having to buy more. This went on for two days, ending with me telling him to get his own shower gel so that he could shower in peace knowing I was not using more than what I needed. Lord!!! Up to this day my oldest sister makes fun of said” incident”.

You can imagine what was first on my list, yep…SHOWER GEL JUST FOR ME!! I think I’m starting to enjoy this thing they call single life!!! Let me share with you my very first grocery list as a single gal!


  1. Great work on your blog! I have been trying to get motivated to write again, and this really inspires me. I have 2 great ideas for novels and I feel so stuck! I need my own space and quiet to do it I think....

    Keep up the good work!

    (oh and more than sharing the shower gel, i hated sharing the toothpaste lol)

  2. jajajja q bella!!! gracias bella! motivate y escribe tus vivencias, te sorprenderas lo mucho q la gente se puede identificar contigo!!

    me has hecho el dia contu compliment!! gracias!!!
