Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hobby spelled W-O-R-K

What to do with all the free time I have now? I thought about that long and hard. I considered taking classes, working out (who am I kidding?!) or getting a part time job. Ultimately I thought the best and most intelligent thing to do now was work some more. I’m still questioning the intelligent aspect of it!

As I organized my finances and added $1,050 rent to my spending from now on I decided to get a part time job and have this transition be as smooth and comfortable as possible. I checked the classifieds for weeks, I could only work evenings and weekends, so the options got slim. I decided to work at a restaurant or café, having done this before I figured it’d be a fun thing to revisit. I answered an ad for a café near my place; this was one of the first places I went to when I moved to Boston so being familiar with their menu was absolutely helpful. I went one day on my lunch break to this place and inquired about the server position. I told the manager my situation; having a full time job but wanting to make some cash on the side. I recited my entire food industry experience and assured that I could start right away.

This was a Friday and the next Tuesday I was in uniform for my first shadow shift. I had a great time and enjoy the people I work with. I started working Tuesday and Wednesday’s night shift and Saturday and Sunday’s brunch; that’s when I realized I was not 22 anymore. I won’t tell you my age, don’t ask! With that said, I requested to only work on the weekends. It was really hard to get from one job to the other and getting out at night to get ready for the next day.

The downside to having a second job is not having any days off. In the office people get so happy when it’s Friday but my week never seems to end. Although, sometimes I feel happier getting up to go to the café than the office; I enjoy meeting new people and being active much more than being in front of a computer not having any interaction. The days in the corporate world are predictable and routinely. I like not knowing what’s in store for the day and the cool and interesting people I’ll get to meet that day.

It’s been 6 months and I still enjoy my new hobby!

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