Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Boston Strong

(Read while listening to Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond)

I recently visited my second home, my beautiful Boston. It had been 3 months since I moved, I didn't realize how much I missed it. Sadly my visit came right after the marathon bombing, the ambiance was sad yet hopeful. Seeing such a great community come together makes your heart bigger! Let me share with you some visuals of this beautiful city; make it a destination to visit soon!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I’m a Hunter

(Read while listening to Eye of the Tiger by Survivor)

Who hates job hunting? I certainly do! I haven’t worked in almost 5 months and I’m going insane. It’s amazing how much you appreciate the early morning wake up, commute and sometimes dealing with stupid people while getting paid!

Don’t get me wrong! I’m enjoying the down time; after working 7 days a week for nine months it’s certainly a good breather but I’m done and done. I actually would like to go back to working 7 days (never thought I’d say that). Now my days consist in getting up and checking facebook, the news, Law & Order and job sites. I’m a regular at craiglist, indeed, monster, linkedin…

I've been to several interviews and gotten the "You're over qualified for the position" Don't they think I knew that when I applied? When they tell me that I just want to say: "Clearly I need a job, just give it to me!" 

I have faith that not only I’ll find a job but also it’ll be one that I love and fulfills me! Wish me the best.

“I’m a survivor, I’m not gonna give up” – Destiny’s Child